NOON Aesthetics' product line provides solutions and impressive results for various skin problems, such as aging skin, sun damage, hyper-pigmentation, loss of elasticity, acne and more. The product line includes professional products with high concentration levels of active ingredients, which effectively treat the skin without unwanted side effects such as irritation, burning, redness and discomfort, due to the use of our DermShield™ technology.
NOON Aesthetics 之產品對各種不同皮膚問題提供解決方法,對改善皮膚老化、日照損害、色斑、缺乏彈性及暗瘡粉刺等問題有顯著效果。其中專業及強效系列之產品蘊含高濃度有效成分,同時配以專利之DermShield™(刺敏盾)技術,令產品達致顯著效果之同時能阻擋了由一般高濃成份產品會引致之痕癢、刺痛、紅腫等不適副作用。
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Concentrated & Effective Mixture to Treat Problematic & Irritated Skin